In my opinion we don't need military forces. Nowhere and never. There are some countries without army on the Earth. And they feel themselves so good. Smart people in civilization can negotiate with each other. I know, not all countries can be called "civilization". But they are.
We can recall the experience of Japan. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution states that the State does not recognize the right to wage war. There is a generally accepted opinion that the absence of armed forces allowed Japan to make an economic breakthrough, because they did not need to spend money on creating weapons. And I believe, it's true.
We can compare budget of any country with regular army, and see that military budget is always very big. And it's closed budget. We can learn how many percents of the national budget but we never know details. It's a state secret.
Military people look like they don't know how to count money. But the maintenance of the army is expensive. Also, all these people want to eat well, to sleep well, to wear a uniform... Also, they want to have very expensive devices for killing other people. They need barracks, warehouses, beachheads, military bases, planes, ships, submarines, guns, tanks and missiles. And all this is at the expense of taxpayers - that is, at our expense.
They spend our money, but they don't say for what.
And this is a good field for corruption. Any army is like a black hole for money. It's so convenient to keep the budget secret. Any secret in this case is a reason for violations. And for theft. We cannot check it - it even forbidden for some laws.
Is it fair?
Of course, not.
So, I believe, that we, as a humankind, should to refuse the army as soon as possible. It is not needed us. Our Future is capability to negotiate without threats and brandishing weapons. We need good devices for learning and working, we need open spaces without borders and customs. We certainly don't need weapon, because we can live without it in our ordinary life. It's possible not only for separate persons, but for countries too. It's possible already. And when you arrive to some country, first that you see, it's smiles - not pitchfork pointed in your direction.
In this connection, I really suppose, that it's due to corruption we still have armies on our planet. Nothing else can justify the existence of an army in our modern life. Especially in Russia.
Someone can say, that some country, like Russia, will be destroyed without weapon. I don't understand, why it's necessary, because Russia is very poor country with the beggar population. We produce nothing. Most people live on $2-3 per a day. Yes, there are some manufacturing plants and factories in Russia, but most of these belong to foreigners already. Moreover, the territorial integrity is protected by international laws (unfortunately, not by Russia). And there will be no borders in Future anyway - it's natural process of the humankind evolution. The most valuable things are different knowledge and scientific information. It is no needed land borders for these. Well, in such case, what would the potential invader gain in Russia? Dirty roads with huge pits on a beach of the Arctic Ocean? What else?..
And how do most countries live without nuclear weapons and even some more or less intelligible army (for example, in Europe)? In these countries people do their work good and do not worry about possible invaders. Moreover, the real trouble on our planet is an uneven development. It's because of the borders and absence of peaceful collaborations. Also, due to low general development of different nations. A poverty is a source of an envy. If you cannot reach some good things and you are stupid, you will take some weapon and take away these good things.
Well, in this connection, someone can say me, that this is a reason for making weapon: to protect itself.
It's doesn't work anymore. We shouldn't to kill people anyway - even if they come to us due to some reason (famine, flood, anything else). All people should to have equal access to knowledge. Every person should have the possibility to realize itself. In any place of our planet. Therefore, it's more complicated issue, of course, but I just want to say that this issue has several decisions.
We need collaboration, not rivalry. But stupid people, if they want to be wealth, can only steal. If you cannot to make good negotiation, you are not smart, certainly. Smart people will always come to an agreement. But if you need bombshell, you are monkey. It's simple.
I didn't hear yet any reasonable explanation, why we need military forces? Any person, who believes that we need weapon, don't want that this weapon will be directed to him. It's always some unclear reasons. But in fact, now the making weapon is good opportunity to steal money from any State budget. No one sees it anyway. And if something happens, the warehouse may burn down accidentally (as it always happens in Russia, for example).
Also please look at one more thing: cars, houses and wives of military officials. These people don't produce anything, don't create anything, they don't make scientific discoveries. And they are always very rich.
Why? 0.o
I don't have answer for this question...
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